Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Yes, I was all set to plant a replacement of a beautiful purple bush, called "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," The flowers start out as dark purple, then fade to a light purple, and then a soft lavender within three days. The original bush was flourishing on the property, ever since we moved here in March of 1989. About eight years ago, my friend, Brett, was doing yard work and somehow accidentally cropped the bush too much. It never recuperated and slowly withered and died in shock with no leaves! I prayed for many years that somehow the leafless bush would magically spring back to life- but it never did...I thought it would be a symbol of reincarnation, and I would talk to it...Really. Like I said eight years had passed. Unbeknownst to me, my best friend, Rodney ordered a new purple bush from the nursery a week or so ago, and I was all set to plant the replacement today in h...