
Channeling Sunstar: A Compliment to Humanity

    This is the name of the book co-written with Reverend Rod that is on or can be ordered through Barnes and Noble Bookstores.  It does have FIVE STAR reviews- so please go and read them,  and then simply order a copy, and maybe even help me out in the process, too.  (There is SO MUCH more I could have included, as so much has happened since Reverend Rod's death on 9-9-19. )      I am asking the universe for $upport.  This is my only published offering, which took a long time to write and compile, copyright and publish.  (It's also under $15, Okay.)       I thank you in advance for purchasing, reading, and also  reviewing, "Channeling Sunstar: A Compliment to Humanity."   Artfully Yours Johnathon Gallagher 

Can You Hear Me Now??

  Honoring Brett Willis, Stairway to Heaven                                                       September 27 2009    How ironic that CNN had on today’s show (9-16-2012) a segment about how it would feel to “live without a cell phone for a day.”   The banner read “Are Cellphones Harmful?” and a guest Dr. Gupta talked about radiation (microwaves) physical heat, and that the instructions which come with the cell phones that tell you to hold it two inches away from your ear.   He laughed and called his earpiece “geeky, and we were all reminded that the standards for cell phone radiation exposure have not been updated for 18years.   He mentioned the rare types of cancers that seem to be associated with cell phones, but wasn’t too cautionary as he described how inconvenient it was to be out of touch without a cell phone for a day. They joked about not even considering “Giving it up.” I cringed at their cavalier ignorance. Today marks the 12th anniversary of the death m

A Moorish Moon

If ever there were a slivered moon, surely it was this eve. Earlier at dusk, in conjunction with Venus, it seemed odd as It hung over the horizon, like a burnt orange scimitar. Later, when my Libran friend, Rod, quipped with blithe dismay,“Where is Venus? Venus is gone!” True, she had slipped away beyond our view, Leaving only a sanguine crescent hue, Suspended like a giant scythe. I wondered if any others were marveling at the moon, with Venus gone so soon, so lythe. In the blink of an eye, and in the eye of a storm, Mars is rusty red- Like tonight’s Moorish moon, and its unfortunate sense of dread. For the balance of the oceans, rests upon the motions of the moon. The tide pulls and crests at the shore line. Only now it’s not a sure line.  Like footprints in the sand, life dissolves into the sea. Our deep emotions are tied to the sea- a briny solution, our tears; Our moral shell of calcium coral and skeleton of bone-white fears. Perhaps if time were me

Hello Muther

 Hello Muther Hello mom, hello dad, Here I am in Islamabad. There’s people fighting, There’s people dying, And all we hear at night Are soldiers crying. Omg. Hello sister, hello brother, Here we are with one another, There's lots of guns, And tons of ammo There’s nothing greater- It's twelve years later, It's Uncle Sam-O. Hello Iraq, hello Iran, I say it my way, because I can. If you don’t like it, well that’s too bad, 'Cause it could easily get much worse, It's like a curse that's in reverse,  Here in old Baghdad.   Hello woman, hello man. Here we go again with Pakistan, Obama said he would, Osama’s gone for good--  But who’s deciding for me How to stop the Insanity? Hello Turkey, hello Yemen, Here we are your darkest demon. Hello Russia, howdy China. Guess we’ll see ya, North Korea. Just keep on dreamin'... Hello mommy, hello daddy, Here we are in a nice rice paddy. Nothing’s changing, but the seasons, If you feel anxious

The Human Condition

The Human Condition: From  an Animal’s Point of  View A -- An Alligator asked an Albatross to analyse why an atom bomb was absolutely absurd for any animal to access. B—A big brown Bear in Boston was baffled: "Who would bake such a big bad bombe?" C— A California Condor candidly commented: “If we keep on counting calories with Boost--the cows will never come home with the crows to roost." D-- A Dove from Dover, Delaware flew over with ease and left an olive laurel, well aware that war was over and Peace was always a hardly done deal... E— Every Elephant in England expected eavesdroppers everywhere to eliminate their ever-increasing urge for ivory... F— Four fine feathered friends from California found it fortuitous to swallow a fortune cookie before flights on Fridays, without finalizing any fixed affairs first... G— A Great Egret sent great regrets, granting grievances: What grave new toy has the brave new boy begotten to destroy our sacred Garden of


And so the weapons of war are bought and sold, Like new oil lamps for old, or so we are told... Loopholes for corporate cheaters, no taxes for temples and churches. Big breaks for the rich leaders, even though the economy lurches. A gallon of gas flies past five-fifty! Damn, I'm so coupon thrifty. You can find me at the dollar store, buying assorted sundries, cheap allure. Cutting corners scraping by, all those years I used to cry. But no more. The people need to forsake the greed and return the deed to our country! Johnathon Gallagher August 2, 2011

What the Frack is Going On?

  I recently saw a 2008 documentary film,"Gasland."  It was a real eye-opener about how the Gas Industry is polluting our underground water sources.  In their pursuit of "cheap" natural gas reserves they are literally devastating the underground ecosystem that supports fragile aquifers and pristine wells that supply drinking water for American citizens.   Since no one can actually "see" underground, the Drilling Offensive is taking place right under our noses, and in our faucets, so tainted that one can light a match to watch water burn!  Gas companies claim no responsibility or privately set up huge water cisterns to the places they disturb, delivering thousands of gallons of drinking water to towns, whose wells have been putrefied with contaminants.  In other areas they coerce citizens to "lease their land, or lose it" to Eminent Domain.    With much disgust and dismay, the Gas Industry has polluted again and again.  They have lied over a